Sunday, January 9, 2011


We're back in Texas. This is home. And I cried today, thankful that we are back in a place where people love and accept us. A place where the people are actually happy that we are who we are - faults and all. 

Zoe's attitude and behavior have already improved tremendously. If anyone ever tells you that spending time with kids who don't have your values won't change the way your child acts, DON'T believe them. It may not change EVERY kid's behavior, but it changed mine. It will still take some time for her to adjust to the loving atmosphere we find ourselves in here. No yelling and little anger. What a welcome change. Don't get me wrong, it's not that everything's perfect here, that's impossible. But when you're loved unconditionally, it doesn't have to be perfect.

They say "Home is where the heart is." Well, my heart must be in Texas. <3